Bhuleshwar Temple near Pune
Bhuleshwar Temple near Pune
BHULESHVAR TEMPLE NEAR PUNE : A MYSTIC PLACE About this place : This temple is situated near Pune in Maharashtra . From Pune total distance is about 50 km . Temple was built during the period of 1230 AD by Choula Rulers . It must have ruined by Muslim invader and reconstructed later ( because the entrance of the temple is hided like gaimukhi buruj construction of Shivaji's time & In 13th century there was no need to hide entrance ). The fort on which temple is situated is called as Daulatmangal fort some times refered as Manalgad . Black besalt ( `AA type') rock was brought to construct this temple it is far superior as compared to surrounding brownish color besalt which high % of calcium ( lime - Chuna ) . The fort is constructed during 1634 by Murar Jagdev who in 1630 looted Pune . It is well known& people tell he ploughed pune with donkeys ( It means he completely destoyed the place ) . It is said that after that Murar Jagdev built this fort to keep watch on pune area . How to approach : There are two ways to approch this fort. First from on Pune-Solapur highway, just before Yawat take right turn along eastern bank of canal. On this way at ghat section road is steep so vehicle break must be in good condition . When you start observing temple by this way there are steps going towards fort . This must be the old way of fort . second way At Saswad chowk instead of going towards Jejuri take again left turn next to high school. Road goes via village called Singapur . This road goes directly without any ghat.On this way about 1 or 2 km. before Bhuleshwar there is (or were) dont know present condition) Shivling and Nandi on the road lying open to air . I like to pay heartiest thanks to Mr Kiran Kharade , Pune for always providing priceless information like this . Regards , Amol N. Bankar Website : ** All copyrights reseved ***
Mahabharata : War Scene  
War scene from Mahabharata carved on Panel . Intresting thing is different wepons and beautiful chariots are shown .